Andrew Braybrook: The C64 Collection DIGITAL DOWNLOAD
Andrew Braybrook: The C64 Collection DIGITAL DOWNLOAD
'The Commodore 64 Classics of Andrew Braybrook
Andrew Braybrook discusses the following games:
Gribbley's Day Out
Andrew Braybrook is considered to be one of the greatest game developers to ever work on the Commodore 64 home computer. Andrew produced many hit titles including Paradroid and Uridium which are still heralded as classics today. 40 years ago the UK of the 1980's was a time when the video games industry was still largely in its infancy and computer games were written by small teams or single developers. Graftgold was a single person company founded and run by Steve Turner who quit his programming job to write computer games for the ZX Spectrum, however when Steve needed an extra person to help convert some of his games to other computer platforms he couldn't think of anyone better than his talented friend Andrew Braybrook who immediately came onboard helping convert Steve’s ZX Spectrum games at first to the Dragon 32 and then eventually the Commodore 64.
Main Feature
In this immersive 50 minute 'Deep Dive' filled with beautifully shot interviews interwoven with rare development documents, archive material and game footage Andrew Braybrook and Graftgold founder Steve Turner discuss the creation of the classic 1985 Commodore 64 game Paradroid. This deep dive explores how Paradroid developed and evolved with details on the game design and also looks at Andrew's famous diary in the magazine ZZAP! 64 with some wonderful b-roll of Andrew going through the magazine as well as showing some of his very first games written in COBOL among other things.
Mini Documentaries
Gribbley's Day Out - 13 mins
Uridium - 20 mins
Morpheus - 6 mins
AlleyKat - 5 mins
Intensity - 5 mins
Special Feature (20 mins)
Andrew shows us various reactions to looking over his various ZZAP! 64 reviews and diaries now almost 40 years later!
Running Time: 2 hours